
September 6

Aaaaallright, school started!

In the morning I had to use a lot of power in the biking because there was so much wind. I was all sweaty when I got into the ferry =P But luckily I was in time for the introduction.
We were in a big theatre. Several music-teachers were sitting in front of us like the Harry Potter characters. In the middle of them was one silver-bearded guy: Dumbledore.
Actually, his name is Rokus the Groot. He's old and wise, and has done many things in the world of music. Next year he will be fired because he is too old for this job, but luckily he'll be teaching us in this last year.
One by one the teachers talked about their subject. One teaches Analysis, one Musicology, one History of Jazz, History of Classical Music, etc. To me it all sounded very exciting.

Then, in the afternoon, we had our first lesson. It was European culture history and these lessons are given in a church (see picture). I was talking with the guy next to me about the rain outside and after a while we discovered something we had in common: both our fathers are priests. It was fun talking about this!
Then our lesson started. Some of the things the teacher said were: 'Culture can unite and separate. When somebody does something very unexpected, we talk about a cultural revolution.'
He gave an example: Madonna. On her 'confessions' tour she portrayed herself hanging on a cross. In the background a growing number was displayed: the number of Aids-victims in Africa.
So why was this of such cultural significance? With this performance she both united and separated. The Madonna fans vs. the angry catholics. It was a cultural revolution: she did something shocking that hadn't been done before.

This first lesson of the year was definitely interesting.

Then through the storm I went back home where 2 salami-pizzas were waiting for me. Fred has been cooking for me every day, and it looks like he will be cooking for me for the rest of the year. It's without doubt, fantastic to be here.

Greetings from me and the dog.