First day in Amsterdam today. It's been a beautiful warm day, probably the last of this year.
I bought so many things in they city that I feel completely guilty about spending all that money. I bought some things impromptu, like the cd of that awesome live performer with his sampling device... Have a listen below:
After this I planned to arrive in time for the Evening song at the cathedral; it never started. However: a guy my age from Argentina started talking to me and we had a wonderful conversation about the catholic church and it's view on the use of condoms. His opinion was, if I'm not mistaken, that f*cking with a condom means that you just want to satisfy yourself, and this is wrong. I thought this was all really interesting though I'm still fully supporting the jolly use of condoms.
Then, on my brand-new second-hand bike, I tried to find my way home. It was great to cross the water by ferry, and the clouds that covered the sun where breath-taking (see picture). And even though I had some trouble finding my way, I arrived just when I didn't expect it.
When the sun went down, I watched the city with gramps from the top floor. It was perfectly warm and perfectly beautiful.