Actually, there is no school. I just get lessons in 3 different locations around Amsterdam. They were hard to find so I think it was good to have done this.
Something weird happened when I was biking to the ferry. I was biking through a tunnel and saw a group of teenagers standing there. I think they were talking Arabic, it sounded that way. When I was passing them on my bike I heard the sound of someone spitting, and then I felt something on my right cheek. I think of those guys actually spit on me! Well, there was not much else to do then continue biking.
After I had visited the 3 locations in Amsterdam I payed a quick visit to the public library. According to Wikipedia it's 'the largest public library of Europe'.
I have no words to describe this place and so I will not try it. But one thing is for sure: I'm going to spend many hours in this library!