Since I get to see so little forest here in Amsterdam, I decided to leave the city for some fresh air. From my train window I could see a beautiful forest far away, with huge trees and hills and stuff. I walked there, through streets of rich houses.

I had to keep walking for a while, because the first part of the forest was property. After ten minutes: ...still property. I kept walking for an hour, but everywhere I went there were the 'Private Property' signs. To emphasize this they had surrounded the whole forest with barb wire. This made me angry. I saw a man working in one of the enormous gardens and asked him where I could go for a walk, but he didn't speak dutch. Not even english! An immigrant worker! Damn rich people.
Then after an hour of walking I finally found a public space. As I walked over there I noticed a sign: entrance €1,50. Well screw that! I went in without paying to enjoy the last hours of sunshine outside.